<p>This month our theme is <strong>&ldquo;Surrender Your Soul.&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;The word&nbsp;<strong>soul</strong>&nbsp;can be very intimidating. What is it? Where is it? And how do I connect with it? There are no definitive answers to those questions, but I have my own thoughts about what&nbsp;<strong>surrendering your soul</strong>&nbsp;means.&nbsp;<strong>Soul</strong>&nbsp;ultimately means love. A love that is deep within each of us and is always available. The root of the word&nbsp;<strong>surrender</strong>&nbsp;means to give back.&nbsp;<strong>Surrendering</strong>&nbsp;our&nbsp;<strong>souls</strong>&nbsp;is about giving ourselves back to our&nbsp;<strong>souls</strong>, returning to that love that remains regardless of what happens in life. Finding that place within is helpful on our grief journeys.&nbsp;</p>