<p>As we continue with our theme of&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;The Risk of Love Is Loss,&rdquo;&nbsp;</strong>I&rsquo;ll share again the Dan Moseley quote, &ldquo;To&nbsp;live&nbsp;is to&nbsp;<strong>love</strong>, to&nbsp;<strong>love</strong>&nbsp;is to&nbsp;<strong>lose</strong>, to&nbsp;<strong>lose</strong>&nbsp;is to live.&rdquo; This cycle plays out in our bodies and all around us too.&nbsp; You can see it in the hours of the day. Each day starts new, then it ends, and we lose it, but then the next day begins.&nbsp; And it plays out beautifully in nature: we have the season of spring with new life and growth, summer with fullness and heat, fall with harvesting and letting go and winter with stillness and waiting, knowing that spring is coming.&nbsp; That is the hope through the seasons, one season leading to another and the hope and transformation that awaits us by giving ourselves fully to each season.&nbsp; Our invitation is to listen to the wisdom of each season, and find hope, beauty, and transformation as a result.This is what it means to be wholly human, to experience the full spectrum of life&rsquo;s emotions.</p>