<p>This month our theme is<strong>&nbsp;"The Risk of Love Is Loss."</strong>&nbsp;This is a reality. When we&nbsp;love&nbsp;someone or something, we&nbsp;risk losing&nbsp;it. As Dan Moseley wrote, "To live is to&nbsp;love, to&nbsp;love&nbsp;is to&nbsp;lose, to&nbsp;lose&nbsp;is to live." Living,&nbsp;loving, and&nbsp;losing&nbsp;are a continuous cycle.&nbsp; For me, they are worth it. As&nbsp;Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote in the 1800's, "Tis better to have&nbsp;loved&nbsp;and&nbsp;lost&nbsp;than never to have&nbsp;loved&nbsp;at all." This month, I'll share some thoughts, poems and quotes that speak to this cycle.&nbsp;</p>