<p>This month our theme is&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Grief is Loss in Pieces.&rdquo;&nbsp;</strong>Many of you have heard of Elisabeth K&uuml;bler-Ross&rsquo; stages of&nbsp;<strong>grief&nbsp;</strong>&ndash; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These &ldquo;stages&rdquo; were never meant to provide step-by-step instructions for the&nbsp;<strong>grief</strong>&nbsp;journey but instead were meant to provide terms for some of the experiences dying individuals had. The first &ldquo;stage,&rdquo; denial, is often given a bad reputation. But denial can also be our bodies&rsquo; way of helping us after a great&nbsp;<strong>loss</strong>. We just can&rsquo;t process every aspect of a&nbsp;<strong>loss</strong>&nbsp;at one time. We need to take it&nbsp;<strong>in pieces</strong>. We&rsquo;ll talk more about this throughout the month.</p>