<p>As we continue with our theme of&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Yield to Your Grief Journey,&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;I want to talk about the word&nbsp;<strong>yield</strong>. The etymology of the word&nbsp;<strong>yield</strong>&nbsp;is Old English: "to pay, pay for; reward, render; worship, serve, sacrifice to." Using those meanings gives&nbsp;<strong>yield to your grief journey</strong>&nbsp;a whole new twist. Pay for your&nbsp;<strong>grief journey</strong>, reward your&nbsp;<strong>grief journey</strong>, serve your&nbsp;<strong>grief journey</strong>, and even worship your&nbsp;<strong>grief journey</strong>. Those phrases feel like a kinder way to treat our&nbsp;<strong>grief</strong>. Perhaps that feels too kind to you.&nbsp;<strong>Grief</strong>&nbsp;can be rough and it&rsquo;s hard to feel kind towards it. At one&nbsp;<strong>grief</strong>&nbsp;education and support gathering, I used the phrase &ldquo;embrace your&nbsp;<strong>grief</strong>.&rdquo; One woman approached me later and said, &ldquo;Embrace is way too kind of a word to use with&nbsp;<strong>grief.</strong>&rdquo; I said, &ldquo;How about allow?&rdquo; She said that felt better and more doable. Whatever you&rsquo;re feeling is where you are. It is okay to start there.</p>