<p>Our theme this month is&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Death Is the Memory of the Living.&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;What this means to me is the&nbsp;<strong>living</strong>&nbsp;carry the&nbsp;<strong>memories</strong>&nbsp;of both the life and&nbsp;<strong>death</strong>&nbsp;of their loved ones. Sometimes these&nbsp;<strong>memories</strong>&nbsp;are comforting, while other times they&rsquo;re traumatic. Your beliefs about what happens to someone after&nbsp;<strong>death</strong>&nbsp;can affect your&nbsp;<strong>memories</strong>&nbsp;as well. The important thing is to allow yourself to feel what you&rsquo;re feeling and seek help when you need it. Our grief education and support programs can provide companionship. Mental health providers can help you address trauma to find wholeness in grief. Grief is the healing so we encourage you not to push it away.</p>